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根據dappradar的數據,目前市場上超過2700個DApps,其中以太坊超過1600個DApp,EOS近500個DApps,TRON也是近500個DApps,剩餘平台超過100個DApps目前還不多。僅從DApp數量來看,目前主要的公鏈平台是以太坊、EOS和TRON。不過,公鏈格局還遠沒有定下來。本篇源自於 Joel John 的文章《Where Are Dapps Headed?》,由專欄作者藍狐筆記重新編譯、整理和撰寫。


台灣產業又傳來好消息!台灣電信三大巨頭之一-台灣大哥大(Taiwan Mobile)於週五宣布:確定認購新創加速器 AppWorks Fund III 六億的資金份額!截至目前為止,專注大東南亞的台灣加速器龍頭 Appworks 旗下已管理三檔創投基金,總規模達到「1.7 億美元」。




交易所巨頭幣安執行長趙長鵬 CZ 在 11 月 1 日發布推特,傳達他本人對比特幣的信心與樂觀態度,大膽預測比特幣(BTC)很快就會漲上 16,000;而後也在其他推文的回覆中指出幣安的去中心化交易所 Binance DEX 是全世界最多交易量的去中心化交易所。


騰訊區塊鏈業務總經理 蔡弋戈在今日所舉辦的「第二屆世界區塊鏈大會」上表示,騰訊正在籌備區塊鏈虛擬銀行團隊,而旗下富融銀行已經獲得香港金管局牌照,將可以在近期提供用戶金融服務。


比特幣價格走勢一直是眾人關注、熱議的消息,而先前 Three Arrows Capital 的執行長 Su Zhu 也在推特上發出彭博社的加密市場專欄節錄,彭博社分析師指出比特幣價格在今年底前都被關在 8,000 到 12,000 美元這個區間,也探討其中原因。


比特幣預計在 2020 年 5 月 19 日左右再度進行獎勵減半(Halving),而獎勵減半後為比特幣(BTC)帶來的價格影響會像先前比特幣獎勵減半一樣讓價格大幅上漲,還是會步上萊特幣獎勵減半的後塵、價格下跌是大家都在猜測與討論的。本文針對受到獎勵減半衝擊第一線的礦工,了解他們的看法與見解。


本文作者為律師、專欄作家,筆名果殼,長期關注區塊鏈產業發展,也是該領域法律議題之專欄作家。作者將用淺白的語言,全面解析近期令全球政府手忙腳亂的「數位人民幣(DCEP)」。在習近平宣布將「區塊鏈」作為國家重點發展項目後,中國央行(人民銀行 PBoC)緊接著揭露了即將出台的數位人民幣,全球政府如火如荼的趕緊展開了央行數位貨幣(DCEP)的推動,台灣央行總裁楊金龍也於 11 月 7 日透露了正在「研究和測試」的數位台幣(Digital TWD)。




根據阿根廷(Argentina)加密貨幣交易所的數據顯示,在阿根廷比特幣較世界其他地方貴了 38%,溢價幅度驚人,而導致這情形的,可能與當地政局動盪、經濟不穩有關係。而在阿根廷披索(ARS)大幅貶值的同時,阿根廷政府為了穩定外匯儲備,進而限制當地人民購買美元(US Dollar),導致人心惶惶,因此願付高價獲取比特幣來保值。


While big data has long been harnessed by leaders across virtually every industry to make key business decisions, today, the field is a proven and established subset of tech. With an ever-growing list of professions and use-cases surrounding big data, trends have emerged in how that data is collected, organized and used.




Finding could help overturn the prevailing notion that men and women experience angina differently.


Throughout the Digital Age, big data’s reputation has changed. Companies see data sets the same as drilling for oil: It’s invaluable. But this wasn’t always the case. Josh Green has seen the data pendulum swing. As CEO and co-founder of Panjiva, a global trade data company now owned by S&P Global, Green has built his career around finding ways data can assist companies involved in international trade.


Predictive analytics can be invaluable to any organization that is striving to improve employee retention. Here's why it's so helpful and beneficial in nowadays.


There are many powerful ways that artificial intelligence improves sales. Here's how it can make things better and make a difference.


Big data is playing a very important role in the future of branding. Last year, Samantha Bhargav wrote a great article on ways big datacan help with branding strategies. There are a number of benefits, as Bhargav points out. One of the biggest is customer-centric marketing.


Digitization in the finance industry has enabled technology such as advanced analytics, machine learning, AI, big data, and the cloud to penetrate and transform how financial institutions are competing in the market. Large companies are embracing these technologies to execute digital transformation, meet consumer demand, and bolster profit and loss. While most companies are storing new and valuable data, they aren’t necessarily sure how to maximize its potential, because the data is unstructured or not captured within the firm.




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