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12月12日孫宇晨、何一的微博被封,為避免“打擊士氣”,他倆當日宣布用新號(孫宇晨老師、何一阿姨)高調回歸,但次日上午微博帳號又被封停。值得一說的是兩個帳號的壽命均不足12個小時。9000 萬美元。本文為專欄作者《幣醬》之獨立觀點,不代表動區立場。


以太坊基金會近期風波不斷,從上個月 29 日傳出基金會成員 Virgil(小V神),其涉嫌於北韓平壤區塊鏈大會演講時教導北韓官員「如何用加密貨幣規避經濟制裁」,遭美國警方逮捕;本月 6 日更有基金會(EF)工程師爆料財務短缺,甚至未來可能裁撤所有對旗下基金會項目的金援資助。近日,V 神在接受廣播節目訪問時透露了其於 2017 年以太坊最高點時說服基金會進行的賣幣行動,親自消除外界關於基金會資金短缺的疑慮。


ERC20 Token推波助瀾了一大批shitcoin的瘋狂融資,但僅有少數幾個DeFi賽道上自洽的項目依然充滿生命力。命名系統天生具備分佈式和共識的屬性。一個全局的命名系統必然由生態中的每一個個體使用,並且為了避免命名衝突問題,每一個命名都應該只指向最多一個用戶,否則就會出現歧義。分佈式和共識,區塊鏈正好可以解決。


幣寶日本駭客事件至今已過去了 5 個多月,然而補償事宜一直都沒什麼進展;如今,向幣寶日本提出的訴訟案也於昨日正式開庭。動區同時聯繫到了「幣寶日本遭駭一案受害者」及「幣寶台灣執行長郭雅寧」,本文紀錄了雙方說法。


eChain 基金會昨日因內部員工的不當行為創建回購地址,遭駭客入侵,導致約有11億枚 VET 被轉移到駭客地址。目前Vechain已獲得相關安全團隊幫助,對此駭客地址的資金進行全面監控與凍結,其他加密資產也會進一步進行安全檢查。


海南國際離岸創新創業(三亞)試驗區正式揭牌成立之後,又在 4 號正式宣佈籌備一年多的「鏈上海南」計畫,而中國最大的兩家加密貨幣交易所火幣、歐科集團(原OKEx 交易所)都與海南島來往密切,希望能為自己的公司爭取更多成長機會。


什麼是金融衍生品(Derivatives)?最近 Defi 話題中特別熱門的合成衍生品(Synthetix)又是什麼呢?這些新興的區塊鏈產物,能否成功改良 2008 年金融海嘯引發美國房市崩潰的兇手 CDO,為去中心化金融,乃至於傳統金融帶來新的契機呢?本文部分參考自《Intro to Blockchain-based Synthetic Derivatives》由專欄作者 ETHFANS 重新編譯、整理和撰寫。


加密貨幣交易所 BitMex 和其創辦人 Arthur Hayes 目前因為涉嫌誤導投資人而面臨著高達三億美元的訴訟,前摩根大通衍生品交易員弗蘭克·阿馬托(Frank Amato)和 RGB Coin Ltd. 均提出了申訴,表示他們沒有收到早期投資 BitMex 應得的股權(equity)。


有超過 70 年投資經驗、管理資產超過 6930 億美元的富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團近期參與了區塊鏈新創公司 Proof of Impact 的首輪投資,雖然無法得知確切投資金額,不過富蘭克林坦伯頓固定收益集團的執行副總裁羅傑·貝斯頓(Roger Bayston)除了肯定區塊鏈的價值外,也認為 Proof of Impact 將會為傳統無形的「影響力」投資帶來新模式。


礦工是比特幣發展史上一個極為重要的角色,目前中國在比特幣雜湊值的比例,正以高達 66% 的算力支撐整個比特幣區塊鏈網路,中國在礦業的領導位置難以撼動,尤其全三大礦機製造商全集中在中國,不過這樣的算力版圖也可能將在2020年有所變動,美國及俄羅斯預計在明年開始大量投入挖礦業務。


When it comes to blockchain, there are ultimately only two obstacles to overcome for the practical programmer, one appearing after the other. Firstly, “Does blockchain function?” and then, “Does it function better than a centralized software would, applied to the same idea?” The former question has been prevalent in the last decade of discussion around blockchain, but the answer is now a definitive “Yes”. Our ability to deploy this technology has improved, so the conversation now turns to the second question.


As 2019 winds down, it's an ideal time to investigate the 2020 startup trends that seem likely to shape the landscape in the coming year. Here are six of them.


While Pandas is the library for data processing in Python, it isn't really built for speed. Learn more about the new library, Modin, developed to distribute Pandas' computation to speedup your data prep.


Study: After eBay improved its translation software, international commerce increased sharply.


Computer Vision models have learned to identify objects in photos such precision that some may outperform humans in some data sets. But when these same object detectors are released into the real world, their performance decreases dramatically, creating reliability problems for self-driving cars and other critical systems for security that using the machine vision .


Technology advances at an amazing rate. A decade ago, the thought of self-driving cars and everyone having an AI assistant in their pocket and home was reserved for Sci-Fi films. Arecent study showed that currently 40% of the world’s population is connected to the internet, 90% of all the world’s data was created in the last two years, and five million jobs will be operated by robots by next year. As our world becomes more driven by technology and data, our way of living becomes more vulnerable to technology availability.


Bound for a foreign country where you don’t speak the language? Good news: Google has you covered. This afternoon, the Mountain View tech giant announced that Translate, its free multilingual machine translation service, is now more robust. Offline, translation accuracy has improved by an order of magnitud in some cases.


Right around the time you get your first basic regression or classification model going, it will at least cross your mind. The vast piles of time series data, coupled with the possibility of retiring young has the irresistible pull of finding an old treasure map in your grandfather’s attic. How can you NOT think about it? Can you use machine learning to predict the market?


What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander when it comes to implementing artificial intelligence in the capital markets industry insiders testified before the House Financial Services Committee’s Taskforce on Artificial Intelligence.



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