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摘要: Businesses across virtually every industry are rapidly adopting cloud service solutions. The global cloud computing market was worth an impressive $371.4 billion in 2020 and could more than double to $832.1 billion by 2025. Amid this rapid expansion, organizations must recognize this movement’s risks.

摘要: 雖說後疫情時代,企業維運全面線上化已成趨勢,但此波趨勢同時也是駭客組織的成長契機!美國供應鏈前陣子就再次遭到大型駭客組織攻擊,連帶影響到全球約 40,000 部電腦系統癱瘓,損失更是難以估量。 面對推陳出新的駭客攻擊,傳統防火牆、防毒軟體已經不足以攻防,企業究竟該如何一邊跟上趨勢、一邊圍堵資安風險呢?

摘要: More businesses and consumers are conducting their daily tasks and transactions online, meaning offering seamless digital experiences is becoming increasingly important for today’s financial institutions (FIs). This also means banks must work to ensure their online services are kept secure against the bad actors as they follow customers’ lead, however.