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摘要: 全球叫車軟體龍頭 Uber 的前資安長 Joseph Sullivan 被控以比特幣支付價值 10 萬美元封口費給駭客,並逼迫其簽下保密協議,試圖掩蓋 2016 年 Uber 的重大資訊安全漏洞。而且,檢察官指控 Sullivan 沒有向美國聯邦貿易委員會報告這起事件,因此以隱匿重大犯罪及妨害司法公正起訴。

摘要: 如果你曾經購買過比特幣,一定對加密貨幣交易所不陌生,在你選擇加密貨幣交易所時,你可能考慮過交易所的掛單深度、出入金時間長短、是否有 7×24 服務,但你是否也曾考慮過交易所的安全性?你的加密資產放在這間交易所安全嗎?

摘要: 在現今的世界中,加密貨幣絕對是最寶貴的資產之一,因此任何持有加密貨幣的人也很不幸的成為犯罪者和駭客團體的目標。因為加密貨幣具有政府監管尚未成熟且具備高度隱私性的優點,且一旦完成交易幾乎不可能還原它,所以這些特性也使加密貨幣詐騙迅速變得龐大且成熟。

摘要: Technology advances at an amazing rate. A decade ago, the thought of self-driving cars and everyone having an AI assistant in their pocket and home was reserved for Sci-Fi films. Arecent study showed that currently 40% of the world’s population is connected to the internet, 90% of all the world’s data was created in the last two years, and five million jobs will be operated by robots by next year. As our world becomes more driven by technology and data, our way of living becomes more vulnerable to technology availability.

摘要: Here's a look at eight of the most threatening types of cybercrime from botnets to cryptojacking to ransomware identified by threat researchers and technical leaders at Kaspersky, Panda Security, and Symantec.

摘要: The modern financial services industry is in the midst of a wave of technological innovation–from retail banks providing 24/7 service through smartphone apps, to fintech startups revolutionizing payments, to securities firms executing transactions with ever greater speed and precision. At the same time, as more of the industrys functions shift to rely on new technology, the threat of data breaches and other cybercrimes increases. For all businesses, but financial firms in particular, the risks often appear through methods of communication. However, if new technology raises cyber threats, it also provides increased measures of defense, and its here where automation can make the biggest difference.

摘要: If opinion polls are correct, the upcoming United Kingdom general election on December 12 could finally make Brexit a reality. But what happens to European cybersecurity cooperation? Let’s explore.