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摘要: Big data is playing a more important role in Russia than ever before. A 2017 report by Science Direct illustrated this point. One of the ways big data is being applied is in one of the fastest growing new industries ? car sharing. It still might be a bit difficult for the average driver to imagine, but auto industry experts are nearly in agreement: Car sharing is the future.

摘要: 隨著自駕車技術逐漸發展成熟,越來越多家自駕計程車公司在世界各地申請上路測試,包括 Google 的姐妹公司 Waymo 以及 通用汽車(GM)旗下的無人駕駛品牌 Cruise 都已經成功在美國開跑。Amazon 的子公司 Zoox 在研發了近八年後,自駕計程車隊 Robotaxi 也終於獲得上路測試許可,並朝著正式營運的目標邁進!

摘要: A growing number of connected electric vehicles, as well as the evolution of self driving and automated vehicles are putting a greater demand on processing power. New technologies are advancing rapidly with the introduction of new processing methods, according to experts at BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), (OTCQX: BRCHF), a leading provider of ultra-low power high performance artificial intelligence technology.

摘要: 知道大數據是當前最流行的話題,莫非在工業領域一貫扮演霸道總裁的航空業也要趕這個潮​​流?然而與此同時,航空業是一個浸泡在數據中的行業,始終在數據收集上做得很好,很可惜,曾經的航空業所擁有的大量數據是無組...