摘要: CHICAGO – August 12th, 2020 – Renaissance Technologies famed hedge fund, Medallion, along with other AI-driven funds including Citadel, D.E. Shaw and Two Sigma, are on the verge of facing off against a new generational hedge fund fueled by the latest AI technologies with one key difference: a 100 percent model-driven, alpha-learning, AI algorithm designed to pinpoint market demand projections while actively applying real-time data analysis insights without human interruptions.
摘要: This article was contributed from FlexTrade.1 “How should I determine which orders can be auto-routed?”2 “How many orders do I need in order to accurately evaluate the performance of my algo wheel destinations?”
摘要: There are many challenges associated with performing algorithmic trades in the real world. Despite these challenges, there are a dozen well-known names in the algorithmic trading world and more players are trying their hands in this business every year.
摘要: Manof Narang claims, “A lot of traders use data to build their beliefs. And because there’s so much data out there it virtually guarantees identifying strategies that look to have statistically significant results, but are in fact absolute trash.”
摘要: The role of exchange traded funds in capital markets is one of those topics that hits our “Markets, Data and Disruption” thematic focus dead-on. We’ll therefore take the whole report to discuss the survey’s results but still use the customary tripartite framework to summarize our conclusions.
摘要: The artificial intelligence was unleashed by Winton, the London hedge fund, to test an old principle of the Berkshire Hathaway chairman: that major acquisitions usually hurt the buyers' shareholders. Researchers collected and analysed data on almost 9,000 US deals back to the 1960s.