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摘要: 2020年,是數位貨幣機遇與挑戰並存的一年。突如其來的疫情讓無接觸金融服務快速興起,各國對央行數位貨幣的需求也愈加強烈。隨著越來越多的國家加入 CBDC 的研究發行行列中,這場事關未來的競爭已在不知不覺中拉開大幕。(延伸閱讀:VISA加密部負責人 : 央行數位貨幣是「未來10年支付領域」最重要的趨勢 (CBDC)

摘要: In early June, the National Bureau of Economic Research made it official: The United States was in a full-blown recession. Joblessness had risen to historic levels, total production was down, and industrial activity slowed to a crawl. Just like that, the COVID-19 pandemic had extinguished the longest period of expansion in U.S. history.

摘要: The so-called small-cap effect, whereby small companies tend to outperform large ones over time is well documented. The basic theory states that there is a premium to be achieved by investing in smaller companies. However, the challenge arises from the fact that the aforementioned small cap assets are usually a lot less liquid and are also a lot more volatile. In turn, transaction costs are higher and there is a greater risk of information leakage, impact on the underlying price as positions are slowly built up by active money managers. Another key factor to consider when trying to harness the effect is re-correlation risk. ......

摘要: 美國各州正逐一解除居家隔離命令,但健康評估中心研究認為,隨著全美各地爆發大規模的示威遊行潮,新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情恐怕會在 8 月再度升溫,甚至迎來第二波爆發;同時,聯準會(the Fed)於昨(11)日發表零利率決策會議內容,諸多預測顯示美國經濟市場前景堪憂,消息一出即造成美股迎來繼 3 月崩盤後的新一波大跌。

摘要: 中國自九四事件全面封禁加密貨幣以來,當地交易所的法幣出入口便被攔腰斬斷,場外交易(OTC)市場成了中國投資人唯一能執行法幣出入金動作的管道;但是,由於 OTC 市場的風險控管難以防備,不免會出現洗錢這樣的犯罪行為。現在,中國 OTC 市場似乎正是因此大難臨頭了。

摘要: IT leaders discuss the roles that are most in flux today: These IT jobs are misunderstood, undergoing rapid change,...