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摘要: CHICAGO – August 12th, 2020 – Renaissance Technologies famed hedge fund, Medallion, along with other AI-driven funds including Citadel, D.E. Shaw and Two Sigma, are on the verge of facing off against a new generational hedge fund fueled by the latest AI technologies with one key difference: a 100 percent model-driven, alpha-learning, AI algorithm designed to pinpoint market demand projections while actively applying real-time data analysis insights without human interruptions.

摘要: In this contributed article, Karen Krivaa, VP of Marketing at GigaSpaces Technologies, discusses how Open Banking will become more of a necessity now and the need for efficient data architecture to help drive the adoption. In the current COVID-19 climate, this notion brings the Digital Banking (with need for Open Banking) idea back into the limelight.。

摘要: Algorithmic trading has proliferated across global FX markets over the past decade. Today, roughly 20% of the institutional foreign exchange trading volume is now executed through algos. FX algo usage is following that of the equities market - where algos currently account for more than half of all equity trading volume. So what’s behind all this algo growth?

摘要: 比特幣在6月2日突破萬點後,又於6月3日暴跌至最低 8,700 美元,雖說熟悉市場的投資人們早已對比特幣的高波動性是見怪不怪了,但仍舊不免令人感到失望;不過,在金融觀點上深具權威性的媒體彭博社(Bloomberg),卻在本月 2 日發布的報告中,透露了一些好消息。