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摘要: Risk stratification in healthcare is defined as the process of assigning a risk status to all patients in a practice. The risk status is based on data collected through a multitude of sources such as medical history, health indicators, and the lifestyle of an adult or paediatric population. The objectives of stratifying risk include addressing population management challenges, individualizing treatment plans to lower risks, matching risk with levels of care, and aligning the practice with value-based care approaches.

摘要: 時下城鄉醫療資源分布不平均,常常出現偏鄉患者花大把時間才能接受診治的情況,且偏鄉醫院醫生少、設備缺乏,容易導致病患錯失黃金救治時間。然而伴隨網路、AI、機器人的出現,「遠端醫療」成為醫界與科技協作的新契機。而在遠端醫療體系中,智慧傷口量測系統尤其重要。

摘要: 藥物雞尾酒有效地抑制愛滋病毒,並且組合療法越來越多地應用於癌症戰爭的戰鬥前線。製藥公司正在使用大數據分析和機器學習來確定最合適的數百萬種藥物組合