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摘要: Time series forecasting is one of the key topics of machine learning. The fact that so many prediction issues have a temporal component makes it crucial. In contrast to many other prediction tasks, time series issues are more challenging since the time component contributes more information.

摘要: 傳統仰賴人力的巡檢方式存在著許多問題。例如受限於高昂人力費用,不得不降低巡檢頻率,或巡檢場域太過危險,導致工作乏人問津。又或者需要長時間專注力的巡檢工作,容易造成人力疲乏,影響巡檢成效。然而,針對這些問題,結合了AI、無人載具與感測器的智慧行動巡檢,恰好可以幫上大忙。