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摘要: 2021 年,比特幣創下多次歷史新高,但交易的熱潮卻未停止。而以太幣作為第二大的交易貨幣,也在去年創下了自己的歷史新高。另一方面,各國政府都在思考相關法律規範,加密幣除了在投資圈很夯之外,也開始成為一般人之間流行的話題,不過,在這波熱潮中,加密幣究竟會如何發展?

摘要: Achieving success in AI adoption was never going to be easy, but the past few years have brought significant progress, with McKinsey & Company reporting that many businesses are starting to see the value, including impact on revenues.

摘要: There’s no doubt that, when applied effectively, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have proven potential to deliver significant value and cutting-edge technological innovation.