AI Accelerates Growth of Bitcoin Mining in the United Kingdom 摘要: AI technology is invaluable to the future of bitcoin mining, especially in the United Kingdom.
AI Technology Helps Consumers Improve Access to Financial Capital During Current Recession 摘要: The recession has made it more difficult than ever to secure financing, but lenders are using AI to improve financial access and equality.
Does AI sentience matter to the enterprise? 摘要: Can AI become sentient? That question has been burning through technology circles for several weeks now, ever since a lone Google engineer claimed his LAMDA model had achieved both self-awareness and a soul.
聯準會褐皮書:美多數地區經濟停滯或負成長、求職變難,Fed降2碼機率升 摘要: 美國聯準會的最新「褐皮書」顯示,美國多數地區經濟持平或下降,這與上期相比情況略有惡化。勞動市場狀況普遍持平或略有上升,但雇主招聘趨於謹慎,薪資增速放緩。另外,物價溫和上漲,多數受訪者預期未來幾個月內經濟活動和物價壓力將保持穩定或有所改善。
貧富差距12年來最大 痛苦指數飆高 摘要: 主計總處最新預測顯示,去年全年經濟成長率下修為百分之一點四二,是十四年最低,創下金融海嘯以來最差經濟表現,也是蔡政府任內最差成績。於此同時,國人貧富差距卻日漸擴大,去年家庭每戶所得差距六點一五倍,更因連續快三年的高通膨,吃掉國人薪資成長,導致國人痛苦指數跟著飆高。