摘要: “This one time, at band camp…” Everyone knows that you do embarrassing things at “band camp” so the analogy seems fitting. A long time ago, I did something really dumb with my options trading, and I lost a significant amount of money because of it. In this article, I am going to share with you my story along with the lessons to be learned so that you can avoid unnecessary pain and loss in your own trading. The article includes real numbers and calculations because you have to be able to understand and calculate your costs and gains if you want to be a successful options trader. After the wonky stuff, I include some advice for how to avoid making the type of mistake that I did, as well as some advice on how to approach mistakes that inevitably happen anyway.

“This one time, at band camp…” Everyone knows that you do embarrassing things at “band camp” so the analogy seems fitting. A long time ago, I did something really dumb with my options trading, and I lost a significant amount of money because of it. In this article, I am going to share with you my story along with the lessons to be learned so that you can avoid unnecessary pain and loss in your own trading. The article includes real numbers and calculations because you have to be able to understand and calculate your costs and gains if you want to be a successful options trader. After the wonky stuff, I include some advice for how to avoid making the type of mistake that I did, as well as some advice on how to approach mistakes that inevitably happen anyway.
Prologue — The Background
My investing philosophy has almost always been long-term buy-and-hold or LTBH: buy stock in solid, high-performing companies with strong leadership and a deep competitive moat, and then hold the stock for years if not decades. Note that investingis not the same as trading. The difference between the two is a topic for another article, but essentially, the equity in my long-term investments is the foundation for my options trading.
As part of my LTBH investing, I bought Starbucks (SBUX) about twenty years ago. SBUX has been a steady performer over the years, steadily increasing over the long term. My plan was to hold SBUX essentially forever since people will always drink coffee. So this is where our story begins.
Full Text: tradersmagazine
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