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摘要: Cerulli Associates' latest report, European Marketing and Sales Organizations 2019: Harnessing Technology to Win Business, shows that the role of asset managers’ marketing function is evolving from execution to strategic direction. Several marketing managers told Cerulli that their teams are becoming increasingly important to their firms. Most of the managers Cerulli interviewed reported that their marketing team headcount has increased over the past 12 months—and that they expect this to continue.

摘要: Big data is playing a very important role in the future of branding. Last year, Samantha Bhargav wrote a great article on ways big datacan help with branding strategies. There are a number of benefits, as Bhargav points out. One of the biggest is customer-centric marketing.

摘要: 目前在人工智慧(AI)應用越來越普及的情況之下,各項新的應用也層出不窮。目前在 IBM 的超級電腦 Watson 上研發了一套系統,能夠預測員工何時打算離職,準確度高達 95%,而這套系統也為 IBM 每年節省了高達 3 億美元用於留住員工的費用。

摘要: 獨立金融顧問和他們的客戶依賴第一聯盟的資產管理來幫助他們做出正確的投資決定。通過使用SAS,第一聯盟的團隊管理著上百個不同的投資模型,這些模型提供及時的推薦並且識別潛在暴露的風險。第一聯盟在美國擁有近10 ...


摘要: 我們運用時間序列和趨勢分析法獲得的核心原理曲線圖是一種微觀數學模型。這些曲線模型共有60幅,現公佈其中24幅(參見附圖)。我們公佈的每期(連續約60日)黃金市場走勢預測圖就是由這些微觀數學模型依據特定的規律...

摘要: 算法交易起源於上世紀中葉的配對交易歷史上最早使用算法交易的例子可以追溯到1949年。對沖基金之父阿爾弗雷德·瓊斯,利用空對多3:7的比例進行配對交易,在1955年到1964年間,綜合回報率高達28%。到了上世紀60年代 ...
