摘要: In DEFI 1.0 and yield farming, the liquidity provider will receive an ERC(BEP)-20 token as a mathematical proof of the loan to the bank. Holding the LP tokens will guarantee that the investors will get their assets back. What Sigmoid propose is to instead of issuing an ERC(BEP)-20 LP token, we will give the provider a ERC(BEP)-659 bond when deposit.
摘要: Working capital FinTech PrimeRevenue is augmenting its receivables finance solutions to enable financial institutions (FIs) to broaden their programs for receivables, a feature that is a unique tool in the market, according to a press release on Tuesday (Aug. 31).
摘要: The FinTech startup Plaid says that getting a clear picture of a consumer’s transaction data is critical to improving their access to better financial products.
摘要: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says decisions like El Salvador’s choice to make bitcoin a legal tender as of Sept. 7 and the adoption of other cryptocurrencies as national currencies is fraught with problems and could destabilize a country’s macroeconomic standing.