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摘要: Peer-to-peer trading, face to face, eye to eye — it’s the way deals had been done for millennia, before distance and lack of trust forced us to use go-betweens such as banks and brokers to transact.

摘要: 星展從2014年開始發展雲端技術,打造私有雲環境,更建置了一套完整的雲端環境管理工具集,涵蓋了建置、變更管理,以及維運三階段的IT工具需求,如今,有超過99%的應用已經虛擬化,且私有雲集縮比成果達1比100,一臺伺服器可開啟超過100個VM,讓機櫃效能循摩爾定律,每兩年提升一倍