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摘要: 美國銀行 Signature Bank(SNBY)週三(21)公布了今年 Q1 財報,作為一家加密貨幣友善銀行,Signature Bank 似乎也受益於比特幣(BTC)牛市興盛,在 Q1 創下了淨利 1.905 億美元的新紀錄。同日財報會議上,Signature Bank 執行長 Joseph DePaolo 更透露,該銀行將開始提供以比特幣支持的現金貸款服務。

摘要: ISDA has published its latest annual margin survey, which shows a substantial increase in the amount of initial margin (IM) and variation margin (VM) collected by the 20 largest market participants for their non-cleared derivatives trades last year.

摘要: 4年多前,從一開始只是核心系統的轉換,最後演變成了一個更大的新核心計畫,玉山的盤算是什麼?不只要瘦核,更要做到資料加值,甚至,將所有系統全面API化,還要能支應數位時代瞬間爆量的交易,這項基礎工程真正到位後,玉山下一步的計畫又是什麼?

摘要: Another busy week brought fresh funding to the B2B FinTech arena, with expense management solution providers standing out from the crowd. But as more firms aim to control how employees spend money, it was a technology startup that focused on how professionals pay those employees that took the lead in this roundup.

摘要: Accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) have historically been entirely separate functions in the back office. But FinTech innovators are beginning to explore the concept of bridging the gap between these two intrinsically connected workflows. After all: one company’s accounts receivable is another’s accounts payable.

摘要: Drew Edwards, CEO of Ingo Money, reflects on how 2020 required merchants to offer instant payment options to meet newly customers' digital demands. In The Connected Economy’s Power Source – CEO Edition, Edwards shares his predictions for how payments transformation will accelerate in the future, including new business models that include monetizing speed for both payors and recipients.

摘要: Lia Cao, global head of wholesale payments solutions, J.P. Morgan, believes that in the post-pandemic economy, there is no room for legacy payment models. "Business transformation is an inevitability in the upcoming environment, and payments now needs to be in lockstep, every step of the way," she says in The Connected Economy’s Power Source – CEO Edition.

摘要: Open banking’s reach has expanded significantly since 2018 when financial regulators in the United Kingdom first required the nation’s largest banks to begin allowing FinTechs and other emerging players to access previously siloed data. Similar initiatives have since swept through additional markets worldwide, including the European Union (EU), Saudi Arabia and South Korea.

摘要: 相較中國,歐美在央行數位貨幣(CBDC)的發展腳步較為落後,上週歐洲央行終於發布了去年 10 月開放的公眾意見諮詢結果。其中有一半的歐洲公民認為區塊鏈可以解決數位歐元的偽造問題,另外受訪者最重視該貨幣的「隱私」功能。