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摘要: 隨著純網銀、數位銀行越來越多競爭者進入金融市場,各大金融業者無不加快線上開戶、電支電票整合、金融上雲等 FinTech 新技術的開發,然而若想搶先在數位創新領域拔得頭籌,業者除了在 IT 技術的投資,更不能忽略「內部安全控制與內部稽核」的管理!

摘要: There were all kinds of questions in the public sphere as the second round of stimulus checks went out in early 2021. Would consumers actually spend them as intended, or would those stimulus dollars flow into savings accounts and toward paying off debt as so much of the first $1,200 round had? Was it not enough money? Was it too much money? Did the right people get it? Would the payout be smoother the second time through?