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摘要: To successfully implement AI into your business processes, rethink traditional IT approaches and some common wisdom. Consider these tips



Artificial intelligence (AI) has officially entered the enterprise, quickly evolving from a pipe dream to reality. Indeed, the majority of organizations (85 percent) are either adopting or evaluating AI, according to a recent O’Reilly survey, with more than half using AI in production or for analysis.


These efforts, while rapidly expanding, are still in their early stages. And the growing pains are already becoming evident. “Companies need to do more to put their AI efforts on solid ground,” O’Reilly analysts point out. “Whether it’s controlling for common risk factors – bias in model development, missing or poorly conditioned data, the tendency of models to degrade in production – or instantiating formal processes to promote data governance, adopters will have their work cut out for them as they work to establish reliable AI production lines.”



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