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摘要: How do you know when your digital transformation strategy needs a shift to address market changes or new priorities?...



Congratulations! After much hype and debate on whether to invest in digital transformation, you’ve successfully aligned leaders on strategy and priorities. You spearheaded an agile transformation to connect people with goals and empower them with the promise of great experiences and robust solutions. And you embarked on a program to help your organization become more market-, customer-, and data-driven so that visions, priorities, and requirements adjust with evolving business conditions.

But what if you need to adjust your digital transformation plans? How do you recognize when you need to address new goals or obligations?

Ideally, CIOs should design transformation programs to embrace ongoing changes. Just like we want agile teams to adjust priorities based on customer feedback, CIOs must adjust digital transformation programs based on industry, market, strategic, and operational factors.



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