摘要: Throughout the Digital Age, big data’s reputation has changed. Companies see data sets the same as drilling for oil: It’s invaluable. But this wasn’t always the case. Josh Green has seen the data pendulum swing. As CEO and co-founder of Panjiva, a global trade data company now owned by S&P Global, Green has built his career around finding ways data can assist companies involved in international trade.

Throughout the Digital Age, big data’s reputation has changed. Companies see data sets the same as drilling for oil: It’s invaluable. But this wasn’t always the case. Josh Green has seen the data pendulum swing. As CEO and co-founder of Panjiva, a global trade data company now owned by S&P Global, Green has built his career around finding ways data can assist companies involved in international trade.
Panjiva gathers and provides information on trade, including customs import and export data, for the global trade community. Shipment, company and location data is provided down to the individual shipment level. The company’s innovative platform browses nearly 2 billion shipment records to provide useful insights on international transactions.
“The original vision was building a marketplace using data to bring people in and then getting them to transact with each other,” Green said. “We had this grand vision of what we were going to build, but ultimately, when we were forced to be more disciplined, we had to take a hard look at what we were good at, what our customers wanted, where the intersection was, and it was data.” After the venture rounds of investment, Panjiva’s main focus was providing data. “We evolved, but the markets also evolved around us,” Green said.
Full Text: freightwaves
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