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摘要: Customer experience is king. It's time for the C-Suite to have a new role that combines Chief Technology Officer...



When LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner announced in early February that he would step down on June 1, it was a noteworthy change at the professional networking platform that he had led for more than a decade. What also caught my eye, however, was the choice of his successor: LinkedIn product head Ryan Rolansky.

They say it takes three or four to make a trend, so I’m calling one now on product leaders getting promoted to CEO. Other examples at high-profile companies in recent years include Adam Mosseri at Instagram, Sundar Pichai at Google, and Thomas Kurian at Google Cloud.

These moves signify the growing stature of product heads – chief product officer (CPO), senior vice president of product, or whatever the actual title may be – in shaping company strategy. And this growing stature has further blurred lines between the CPO and another senior executive: the chief technology officer (CTO).



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