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摘要: How are these technologies connected, what are the implementation challenges, and how are companies using them?



Robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning are all being infused to automate business processes and speed time to decision. What is the "sweet spot" for each of these technologies, and how are companies using them? The common touch point for these technologies is automation.

When you use RPA, you are automating repetitive tasks, so staff doesn’t have to do them. An example is defining and implementing a robotic process automation process that automatically screen-scrapes invoice information from one system and enters it into another system, without an office staff having to manually key information from one system to another.

When you use AI, you are adding automation to decision making. Instead of performing a supply chain risk assessment manually, you enter a diversity of relevant data points into an AI data repository, and then present several what-if risk scenarios that you want the system to analyze and return answers for. The AI system comes back with several different potential outcomes for each risk scenario and then you make the final decision.


轉貼自: informationweek

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