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摘要: Disclaimer: This article was originally posted on in 2014 covering the spread of the Ebola



With the Ebola threat still looming large, widespread efforts are being made to identify, quarantine and treat possible carriers. BigMosaic, a big data analytics program developed by the Centers for Disease Control in collaboration with Healthmap will aid CDC in monitoring new cases and work with the West African expat community.

Marty Cetron, director of CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, explained at a public discussion on Tuesday – “We have the near real-time availability of the global air transportation network, and we’re able to identify, and in a sense target, the risk populations, the diaspora populations from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, where they’re distributed down from the county-and-below levels, so we have a mosaic map of the U.S., and in some cases with other countries’ data.”

CDC, HealthMap, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Toronto-based BlueDot (formerly, BioDiaspora), worked together to see this app to completion. Utilizing census, demographic and migration health data of expat populations in the U.S. from 105 countries of birth, it can track the spread of infectious diseases globally, while also breaking down the population by education level, household income, and English speaking ability, reports MedCity News.


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