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摘要: 自動駕駛卡車貨運明星公司Embark,正式宣佈徹底倒閉。它曾是自動駕駛卡車明星公司和賽道最早起跑的先行者,一度和圖森未來(TuSimple)並稱雙雄,2021年借殼登陸美股,市值最高52億美元(約台幣1563億元)。然而其創辦人宣布解雇了員工: 資本背棄了我們…無法籌集資金…十分抱歉…

摘要: 加密貨幣確認將被監管了,主管機關將是金管會。不過就目前公布的資訊,金管會預計僅管轄「支付與交易」面,不過像是 NFT 等虛擬資產,就並非其管轄範圍。 值得台灣加密產業共同關注的,還有台灣是否會針對加密貨幣設立專法等等其他細節,預計監管機關將在 3 月底對外公布具體監管方向與監理內容。

摘要: 第一共和銀行(First Republic Bank)爆發擠兌危機、瀕臨倒閉,儘管在拜登政府的推動下,美國 11 家銀行上週將向該行注資 300 億美元,但危機尚未解除。本週摩根大通執行長戴蒙再制定了一套新方案,計劃將幾大銀行存進該銀行的 300 億美元部分或全部變成資本注入。

摘要: Amazon rules the roost when it comes to e-commerce, with its marketplace outpacing everyone else when it comes to gross merchandise value, reach and market capitalization. That fact inevitably makes it a big part of how millions of brands and retailers sell goods online. Threecolts, a London startup founded by an ex-Amazon exec that builds software for brands and retailers to manage their Amazon sales channel, has picked up some 22,000 customers since it first set up shop in 2021. Now, to feed its growth, it’s announcing that it has raised $90 million in funding.

摘要: Two years ago, Microsoft announced Florence, an AI system that it pitched as a “complete rethinking” of modern computer vision models. Unlike most vision models at the time, Florence was both “unified” and “multimodal,” meaning it could (1) understand language as well as images and (2) handle a range of tasks rather than being limited to specific applications, like generating captions.

摘要: Another industrial automation firm is bucking VC slowdown, as Plus One Robotics this morning announces a $50 million raise. The Series C brings the San Antonio-based firm’s total funding up to $94 million to date (including a $33 million Series B back in 2021). Scale Venture Partners led the round, which also features participation from Top Tier Capital Partners, Tyche Partners and ROBO Global Ventures.

摘要: Amazon is permanently closing eight of its cashierless Amazon Go convenience stores in Seattle, San Francisco and New York. The eight stores will remain open until April 1, a spokesperson for the company told TechCrunch. The closures mark Amazon’s latest move to rein in some of its brick-and-mortar retail operations. The news was first reported by GeekWire.