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摘要: For over the last decade, some of the most successful companies on earth have made their riches by mining user data and selling it to advertisers. The big question is whether this will continue to be a sustainable business model with the ever-mounting scrutiny on data privacy and if not – what’s the alternative?

摘要: 時下城鄉醫療資源分布不平均,常常出現偏鄉患者花大把時間才能接受診治的情況,且偏鄉醫院醫生少、設備缺乏,容易導致病患錯失黃金救治時間。然而伴隨網路、AI、機器人的出現,「遠端醫療」成為醫界與科技協作的新契機。而在遠端醫療體系中,智慧傷口量測系統尤其重要。

摘要: 數據庫管理是重要的業務管理方面,每個業務都希望以更安全的方式管理其數據。數據庫安全對企業非常重要,因為在當今的業務場景中,數據被視為一項資產。初創企業必須精心管理其數據;否則,它們會遇到很多問題。

摘要: But the rise of computing brought disruption to the office. Innovation was no longer the preserve of large companies, it was small start-ups that offered the most creative options. The need to find collaborators, typically computer-based, saw small companies looking for options that enhanced interaction but still provided peace and quiet.