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摘要: As 2019 winds down, it's an ideal time to investigate the 2020 startup trends that seem likely to shape the landscape in the coming year. Here are six of them.



1. Entrepreneurs Getting on Board With Business Intelligence Tools


Often-cited statistics mention how the odds seem stacked against startups that hope to get established in long-established industries. Many shut down in a matter of years. Numerous factors could cause those closures, but startup founders might have more warnings about their company being on track to fail if they used business intelligence (BI) software.

Today's startups can access a wide variety of BI tools to facilitate better decision-making. Forward-thinking entrepreneurs will realize they must take advantage of some of those offerings in 2020. The increased availability of those tech tools boosts the likelihood of people using them. It also means those who decide not to will be at more of a disadvantage.

2. An Emphasis on Sustainable Products and Methods


Startups need to figure out how to capture attention with what they offer, and evidence shows sustainability could play a role in achieving that feat. A 2019 Accenture survey polled 6,000 people in 11 countries, and the results showed that 83% believe it's essential for companies to design reusable or recyclable products.



Full Text: datafloq

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