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摘要: Bitcoin has been increasingly compared to gold as a safe-haven asset, with many BTC bulls such as Tyler Winklevoss making the case that the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization was a better hedge than gold in many aspects.



Bitcoin to reach $500,000, beating gold

Taking to his Twitter, the Bitcoin billionaire Tyler Winklevoss once again touted Bitcoin’s horn.

He compared Bitcoin to gold and said that BTC was beating gold at its own game. The Gemini co-founder said:

“Bitcoin is better at being gold than gold – and not just incrementally, but by an order of magnitude or 10X better.”

The Bitcoin billionaire then linked a report he wrote. The Gemini co-founder had put together an analysis on Bitcoin, comparing the hedge to other investments, such as oil, gold, and the US dollar.

Tyler Winklevoss further made the case that Bitcoin was inevitably going to reach $500K in pricing on the market. He asserted that Bitcoin was also going to be the preferred safe-haven asset among investors, rather than gold. The "digital gold" philanthropist had backed his arguments and previously said:

“Bitcoin is ultimately the only long-term protection against inflation.”

With the US dollar gradually depreciating due to mass printing from the US Federal Reserve’s efforts to deliver COVID-19 relief, many investors have turned to Bitcoin in this global economic downtrend to store their assets.




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