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摘要: As remote work redefines the traditional workplace, IT teams need to implement new collaboration initiatives that sustain growth and...



Most businesses have spent the last several months getting their teams set up to work fully remote using collaboration and productivity technologies such as videoconferencing and chat tools. While collaborating remotely may be easier for departments like sales and marketing, IT teams have also found new ways to adapt to remote work and collaborate more effectively.

For Zoho, the transition to remote work has been mostly smooth. But because some IT teams have unique needs to successfully work in a remote environment, we’ve also faced some challenges.

Fostering collaboration within our company looks completely different than it did six months ago. Despite dealing with tricky issues like how to fix hardware issues remotely, how to interact better with users, and how to provide remote assistance, our teams have learned to shift their traditional work model into one that enhances collaboration and sustains future hybrid work environments.



詳見全文READ MORE: The Entreprisers Project

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