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摘要: While big data has long been harnessed by leaders across virtually every industry to make key business decisions, today, the field is a proven and established subset of tech. With an ever-growing list of professions and use-cases surrounding big data, trends have emerged in how that data is collected, organized and used.

摘要: Big data and artificial intelligence work together to help companies improve customer experiences in new ways. Consider these big data and AI use case examples - from invoice processing to mining phone call recordings

摘要: 您可能聽說過大數據正在從醫療保健到市場營銷的行業中使用。大數據平台可以分析大量數據並從中提取趨勢或模式。由於大數據工具處理信息的速度比人類快得多,因此非常適合從龐大的數據庫中獲取見解。許多高等教育機構意識到,教育中的大數據可以幫助他們發現有關學生,教職員工以及其他可能被忽視的事物的見解。這裡有些例子:

摘要: 韓國期待朝鮮領袖金正恩訪問首爾以及美國總統特朗普醞釀與金正恩二度首腦會談之際,韓國數據、文本、系統動力和心理多領域學者聯合研究,得出朝鮮領袖金正恩有在朝鮮建立強大核武器以及經濟體制的雄心壯志,並警告朝鮮或不可能棄核。