摘要: 大數據,是近幾年內最為熱門和重要的技術話題。 8月31日,百度百家舉辦的第三期BIG,請來了可穿戴設備和大數據領域享有盛譽的世界級權威教授Alex Pentland,與百度百家共同探討大數據和可穿戴設備的未來。 Alex Pentla ...
Although technology companies like Teradata and SAS are making data easier to use, business will need well-educated analysts for years to come, according to Jerry Oglesby, senior director for global academic and certification programs at SAS, the global analytics specialist.
Teradata TDC +0.00%, IBM IBM -0.65%, SAS and Tableau are among the big data specialists offering training for data scientists, sophisticated analysts, business intelligence experts – whatever they end up being called, but people who can work with the data they can collect and store.
Public agencies, NGOs and non-profit IT organizations are exploring ways to use technology for something other than getting consumers to buy more stuff.
Narrative Science can make an equity research analyst 20 to 100 times more productive by using computers to turn data into narrative that sounds like a person wrote it, according to the company CEO. The Chicago-based company, which grew out of some journalism research at Northwestern, has developed software called Quill, that can create news stories, operational reports, customer statements and investment research.
摘要: 對於金融行業來說,越透明博弈越難,越確定收益越低。最近Forbs、FTimes等國外著名金融刊物以“華爾街人神共憤的叛徒”報導了Kensho這家科技公司,實際上,早在12年Kensho已經讓華爾街緊張了一輪,它所做的是將大量...