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摘要: The role of exchange traded funds in capital markets is one of those topics that hits our “Markets, Data and Disruption” thematic focus dead-on. We’ll therefore take the whole report to discuss the survey’s results but still use the customary tripartite framework to summarize our conclusions.

摘要: The foreign exchange market has been one of the most restricted ones for several decades. Due to the many changes in the exchange rates and additional fees, many users could not comprehend the process of making payments. To make it simple for users, many fintech startups have started coming up with their own solutions to make changes to the overseas payments.

摘要: Digitization in the finance industry has enabled technology such as advanced analytics, machine learning, AI, big data, and the cloud to penetrate and transform how financial institutions are competing in the market. Large companies are embracing these technologies to execute digital transformation, meet consumer demand, and bolster profit and loss. While most companies are storing new and valuable data, they aren’t necessarily sure how to maximize its potential, because the data is unstructured or not captured within the firm.

摘要: Big data is playing a very important role in the future of branding. Last year, Samantha Bhargav wrote a great article on ways big datacan help with branding strategies. There are a number of benefits, as Bhargav points out. One of the biggest is customer-centric marketing.

摘要: 從台北時間 10 月 23 日(昨)晚間 8 點 41 分開始,比特幣再度迎來了一波劇烈的跌勢。短短的 4 分鐘之內,比特幣價格從 7945 單位美元,急速下探了 5.14 % 來到了 7525 美元,凌晨 12 點左右(臉書創辦人 Mark Zuckberg 準備接受美國國會 Libra 質詢之際)比特幣更是來到了自今年 5 月 19 日,五個月以來的最低點 7,333 單位美元。由於帶領這次不尋常的 5 分鐘極短時間劇烈波動疑似是從美國交易所 Bitstamp 開始的,而 Bitstamp 恰好又是芝加哥商品交易所 CME 指數參考指標之一,外媒懷疑,此次的劇烈跌勢與華爾街對加密市場的刻意操縱有關聯。